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Board Transition Support/Diversifying Your Board Portfolio

•	“MDN helps you set your direction on your Board journey”.

  •  WHY?

Are you looking for a Director or Chair position on a Board or Advisory Board? Are you contemplating a first time Director role or are you otherwise seeking to expand your Board portfolio? Have you considered that a Non-Executive Director role is also an excellent counterpart to an interim career? MDN can help you find the answers recognising that Boards must be comprised of competent Directors who are diligent, well informed and well credentialed to deal with the many challenges, opportunities and issues they must face.


  • WHY MDN?

MDN Consulting has significant expertise and many years’ experience in the recruitment of Board Directors/ Chairs (including Independent/Non-Executive Directors) together with providing extensive transition coach­ing, mentoring and related support for professionals wishing to pursue such roles. This experience ranges across government, private sector, not-for-profit, charitable, start-up and union-related organisations. MDN is uniquely positioned to assist you in your transition and search to enable you to identify and secure these Board roles. Our contact network is extensive and we are able to provide valuable assistance in this arena.


Our Managing Director, Mark Nicol is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and apart from his 28 year recruitment experience and extensive networks, he and his team understand the technical, legal and governance issues surrounding the appropriate selection of Board members and the key issues you should be aware of in securing such roles. A number of our consultants are active, qualified members of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.



Given constant change within all industry sectors and the continuing need to transform or broaden the mix/skill set of Board members, it may be time to transition to, or secure these roles or develop a plan for doing so.

There is also an increasing trend for vacant Advisory or Board positions in all sectors to be advertised and subjected to comprehensive interview, selection and reference checking processes. It is also therefore criti­cal that your Board profile and application:

  • Are modern, up-to-date and responsive to current market requirements.

  • Clearly and succinctly articulate your unique points of difference and what you bring to the Board table.

  • Accurately reflect your key skill sets, experience and “a theme” to drive your future direction and achieve your goals.


Accordingly, MDN can assist also you as follows:


  • Planning

MDN spends valuable time with you at commencement to ensure clarity of your goals and vision, strengths and weaknesses, skills and experience and to develop a set of realistic expectations (including those around remuneration and income), based on a personal SWOT analysis.


This allows you to identify any vulnerabilities in skills, attitudes or role biases that will need to be taken into account in targeting your preferred Board opportunities. Equally it is important to identify those particular strengths, which you should leverage for greatest success.


We also discuss and help you analyse the risks, returns and potential targets and scenarios, relevant to your future Director roles.


Getting your head in a position to adequately analyse, synthesise, plan and prepare the key ingredients to your Director profile documentation or revision thereof, is essential.


  • Documentation

Once your head is clear and your direction set, it is important to ensure that the documentation presenting your profile is enticing. Your Director’s profile and related documentation such as your LinkedIn profile, flyers, business cards, skills and talent inventories, application letters, responses to selection criteria, website, marketing collateral, etc, need to project an image that is contemporary and differentiates you from competitors.


  • Conclusion

If ever there was a time to proactively register and prepare for a first time or additional Director role or to know how to prepare or revise a Director’s profile, this is it. Many miss the mark and often fail to even get your foot through the door, particularly in such a highly competitive market. MDN’s experience and process help you to minimise or negate this risk. The primary objective of our programs are to assist in planning for your Director portfolio, expanding and diversifying it and ensuring that your Director profile helps you get to your desired Board positions.

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